Wow Community !
Sorry, but in order to discover our beautiful community, you’ll have to pay us a visit! A website page simply wouldn’t get the idea across.
However, we selected for you a few abstracts about the main events in Pontremoli.
Tour Day
A multiple-stop food and wine tour that twice a year enlivens Pontremoli’s old town by celebrating traditional flavours. 1387 -one thousand three hundred and eighty-seven- participants challenged each other with traditional staples like testaroli, Amor and Bianco Oro, allowing the organizers to set a new, amazing record!
FAI Days
The many historical sites open to the public welcomed 17,186 visitors. “There would be many other data to be provided, but today, after this intense weekend, we are still going through a lot of emotions to try to take stock of all the peculiarities and details of a very positive result that promises a bright future” wrote the municipal administration in a press release.